When searching for bad credit car loan it’s important to know that there are a number of lenders that offer a bad credit auto loan to a number of people that fit their criteria. If you are a married person and you have bad credit but your wife or your husband does not then there is still a chance that you can get a good bad credit auto loan. Since in a majority of cases your spouse might already have a car and you might too but you just need a new car in place of the old one you can always go for a trade in and then pay back the remaining amount in the form of bad credit car loan.
When lenders are considering a married person for bad credit automobile loan there are a number of things they look at. One of the first things they might look at is your and your spouse’s credit history. They do this in order to determine how reliable you are and what sort of blemishes you might have on your credit report. What they are essentially doing is establishing the risk factor of their bad credit automobile loan when they extend the loan offer to you.
The second thing they are going to look at is your annual income or your monthly income. They might also look into your wife’s income and career. You will however need to specify your spouse as a co-borrower in this case. They are also going to look at your monthly expenses including any outstanding credit car payments, other bad credit auto loan, auto loans, student loans, etc. They are looking for a person whose expenses does not exceed 50% of a couple’s income. They will also be looking at the car you are purchasing to determine if you can actually afford to pay for it. This is why I personally recommend that you go for a car that fulfills your basic needs perfectly. Since poor credit vehicle loan is often accompanied by a high interest rate there is no point purchasing a luxury model.
If you are ready to make a down payment, show collateral etc make sure that you mention that in your application form. These only go towards increasing your chances of getting approved since it instills confidence in the lender. Also it would be a good idea if you shopped around for a good interest rate.